Friday 11 November 2011

Trinertá, the Three Forces

The universe emerged from a triad, Trinertá, the Three Forces. the three elements, ie, the two opposing forces and their resultant, arising from the first movement in the Immensity supra-causal and non-differentiated Bituimon. This triad is the primary basis for all aspects of the universe. These three basic forces are mentioned in cosmology as a centripetal attraction, a centrifugal force and balance.

The centripetal action, personified by Lugus, the immanent, the Preserver of the universe is called Biwotúts ("existence"), because there is a concentration of energy, a force of agglomeration. On the mental plane, the cohesive force is the tendency that lights up the unit.

The centrifugal action, called Demerá ("dark"), is the force that seeks to prevent the dispersion concentration. This tendency toward disintegration is the symbol of the final dissolution of all existence in Non-Being. It therefore represents a release. This force of annihilation is personified by dits firing, the Destroyer of Worlds, also called Dagodéwos, Good God

The balance of centripetal and centrifugal gives rise to the third trend, the tendency to orbiting, Suimon, which is the source of the activity. She is personified by the Creator, He-Who-Is-Eternal Bitumios.

Albiyon (the universe) is composed of the Three Worlds:
  • Magoniyá, "Divine Plan", the world of heaven (heaven);
  • Bitus, the world we inhabit, formed by Nemos (heaven, sky), Talamú (Earth), Mori (Sea);
  • Dubnon, the Abyss, the Underworld.
Linking the Three Worlds is Albiyon Beliyon, the World Tree.


Three fundamentals of Albiyon: Biwotúts, Demerá, Suimon. And its root is in Undifferentiated Bituimon.

Three worlds of Albiyon: Magoniyá, and Bitus Dubnon. And these are joined by Beliyon.

Three parts of Bitus: Nemos, Talamú and Mori.

It is rooted in that order triadic organization of knowledge: it reflects his identification with the origin of life (and the truth behind appearances) and emphasizes its sacredness and eternal.

The effectiveness of three trends binds to the three ways of being: existence, consciousness and experience. It is this realization of the root space, thought and time. The demonstration takes place, respectively, in the three states of wakefulness (state deperto), dream and deep sleep. The waking state binds to Suimon, ie Bitumios, the dream, the Biwotúts, ie Lugus, the deep sleep, the Demerá, ie, the Dagodéwos.

The tendency to orbiting (what we might call "stability"), which depends on the essence of space, is the source of all spheres of existence perceptible. In the waking state, we effected the experience of existence, you need space and time related. Thus, this state is related to Bitumios, the Immense Being, the Creator. The action, specifically, the ritual action, is the way the corresponding realization.

In the dream state, we effected the experience of the centripetal tendency, the essence of thought, which represents the process of manifestation of the subtle plane in the world. The thought, you know, are the way of corresponding realization. The man who dreams actually recreates the world in symbolic terms.

The deep sleep, which is the inactive state of consciousness is the perception of happiness, the causal state of experience. The tendency to disintegration is the causal aspect of the three qualities; the waking state and dream state emerge from the obscurity of deep sleep and it dissolves. The state of deep sleep is linked to Dagodéwos.

It is not in action, in complete silence of thought, we can achieve the highest degree of consciousness, the pure existence of perfect happiness.

From the standpoint of human achievement, the Dagodéwos Represents the final dissolution of the individual, while the Immanent, the Preserver, Lugus, Represents the supreme enlightenment, the experience of the transcendent God to turn Which all religions. In Fact, the religions Often not know anything Beyond the aspect of Lugus Beyond anything and not about her means of realization.

The position or rank of the three qualities varies with the position of the observer. From the standpoint of human action, is the inferior aspect Demerá, Biwotúts, the most high. Demerá manifests as death, evil, inactivity at the time only the action seemed to work. However, from the standpoint of spiritual realization in which the action is the main obstacle is the inferior aspect Biwotúts, which creates bonds through the merit and virtue, and Demerá the most high, the release of the non-action.

In the process of manifestation, more and more complex relationships between the three trends emerge, giving rise to various types of existence, different beings, distinct entities. The various planes of existence are distinguished by the relative proportion of the action of three trends:

Biwotús (existence) in Biwotúts (existence) is the nature of the Self (Self), anamú (the soul).

Suimon (orbiting) in Biwotúts (existence) is the nature of divinity.

Demerá (dark) in Biwotúts (existence) is the nature of being alive.

Biwotúts (existence) in Suimon (orbiting) as the meeting of the mind, intellect, consciousness and perception of individuality (the internal instrument by which we perceive as being different).

Suimon (orbiting) in Suimon (orbiting) is the nature of the vital energies.

Demerá (dark) in Suimon (orbiting) form the senses.

Biwotúts (existence) in Demerá (dark) gives rise to the principles of the elements.

Demerá (dark) in Demerá (dark) is the nature of the forms of inanimate physical world.

The gods have Suimon (orbiting, that is, stability) on Biwotúts (existence, ie, aggregation), which makes them ever existing. Living things (not that the gods are not living beings) have Demerá (dark, ie, breakdown, instability) on Biwotúts (existence), which makes them available, but unstable, constantly changing from one state to another.

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